After 7 years Master's Call returns to Beermageddon Festival!
We will be joining this year's Beermageddon festival!
We previously played in 2017 as a grassroots discovery, well before we even had our first EP released. A lot has changed in 7 years and we look forward to bringing a more veteran Master's Call back to Bromsgrove this August!
Tickets are already 75% sold out!
#masterscall #ajourneyforthedamned #fireflashrecords #risingphoenixmusic #beermageddon #deathmetalgigs #deathmetal #metalshow #metalmusic #thrashmetal #blackmetal #metalfestival #ukmetal #ukmetalscene #ukmetalfestival #undergroundmetal #LawnmowerDeth #Thrashatouille #Concussion #HealerofBastards #SanitysRage #Eversio #Catalysis #GRiEF #SufferingOfficial #Desecrator #BeyondGrace #Embodiment #Gorgonchrist #Blasfeme #ofnus